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18 Mar 2021

6 Tips for Success at an Online Veterinary Conference

6 Tips for Success at an Online Veterinary Conference

While nothing can ever replace in-person moments and experiences, it’s important to find ways to still be able to access CE and networking opportunities: the two things that have the ability to propel you to the next level in your career. Here are 6 tips on how to level up at your next online veterinary conference:

1. Make time for yourself

How are you going to earn CE credits in the first place if you don’t take time off or block out time for it in your schedule? Even if you can only take one day, or one hour, make it known to your boss, employees, or family that you will need time for yourself to invest in your education. You can even get involved as a practice in between appointments if everyone brings in their own laptop! At Vet Show @ Home, all team members can earn CE credits together as long as they are individually registered. 

2. Review the program

Just like any in-person conference, the program will be made available to view and help you plan ahead. The great thing about online programs is that you can add the sessions you want to attend into your calendar with the click of your mouse. For example, the Vet Show @ Home program is categorized by specialty, so you can sort through your interests and make a schedule for yourself by adding sessions to your calendar.

3. Play around with the platform

Once you’ve registered for your event, you don’t want to wait for the last minute to get familiar with the conference platform (yes, even you procrastinators!) When made available, take 10-15 minutes to edit your profile with details so you can best connect with other attendees and suppliers; look through the various sessions and add to your schedule the ones that interest you. To learn more about the conference platform at Vet Show @ Home, check out the “How To” videos.

4. Track your sessions

When it comes to earning CE online, it can be difficult to keep track of all the sessions you attend, especially when you’re trying to do so in your head. Instead, keep a record of exactly which sessions you join, the name of the speaker, date, and time. That way, you won’t be scrambling to remember your hours months later when it’s time to submit. If you’re joining Vet Show @ Home, you can use this CE tracker to make it super easy on your future self.

5. Take really good notes

If you don’t take notes on what you learn during CE sessions, you miss out on the opportunity to fully absorb and remember critical information. The best practice would be to take notes and then re-watch on-demand sessions later, referring to those notes to make sure the learning is really etched into your brain. For instance, as long as you register for Vet Show @ Home, you can access all sessions on-demand until April 30th, 2021 (on-demand courses won’t be eligible for CE credit).

6. Make new connections

When you ask someone their favorite part about in-person events, most people say it’s all of the new friendships and connections they make. Reconnecting with the veterinary community is something we have all missed this past year. During breaks in the program, make time to connect with attendees through chat, schedule 1-1 meetings with suppliers you find interesting to help improve your practice, and look at the job board to connect with potential employers. The Vet Show @ Home Attendee Guide shows you exactly how to network like a pro.

Some additional tips are to make sure you use your breaks during the show (to grab coffee, stretch, eat, fill up on water, and make sure the cat hasn’t destroyed the couch); and invite your friends so you can swap notes on sessions. It’s impossible to attend all sessions, so having friends join lets you stretch your learning as much as possible. Now, get out there and be the best online conference attendee the world has ever seen!

Still haven’t registered for the second edition of Vet Show @ Home? Time’s running out! This March 25-27th, gain access to over 90 hours of content from top speakers, networking opportunities, the chance to earn up to 22 CE credits, and so much more. 100% FREE. Register today to save your spot! 


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