...where the first ever Vet Show was launched in 2009. CloserStill Media is the backbone of all vet shows, and we were inspired to provide a platform for the vets that didn’t normally get a chance to speak out about unique topics and share their stories. The London Vet Show was a success and won The Association of Event Organisers’ (AEO) 2010 Best Launch Exhibition Award. From there, we knew we had created something groundbreaking for the veterinary community.
CloserStill Media launched France Vet soon after and modeled it after the London Vet Show, attracting 1,682 delegates and 100+ exhibitors
With such positive results from two shows, it was time to bring Vet Shows to the US and beyond. In 2016, we launched Deutsche Vet and New York Vet, both following the same model as the London Vet Show and France Vet. Both first editions of these shows took place in 2017 and delivered over 100 exhibitors and over 2,000 delegates. Since then, CloserStill Media has launched an additional three events, now catering to both the East and West Coasts of America and Asia. These events include Wild West Vet, Singapore Vet, and an event in collaboration with the British Veterinary Association called BVA Live, which takes place at the Birmingham NEC.